The Mugrabi Design Studio is guided by the credo that light is a motif inseparable from our lives, endowed with the power to create a decisive visual, emotional impact in every space.
Mugrabi Designs draw their inspiration from the inner world of Ilan Mugrabi, traversing a broad spectrum from images evoked from everyday objects to personal experiences to deep philosophical concepts. Most products in this catalogue are a synergy of the aesthetic principles of Western design and Japanese design, meshed by Ilan Mugrabi’s personal touch to a distinctive, fascinating blend.
The Mugrabi design line is open and ready to warmly embrace every idea, while maintaining the Studio’s hallmark principles of minimalism and sensitivity to the significance of the details. Lighting fixtures by Mugrabi are defined by the presence of a clean, paper-less design line, which minimizes any hindrance devoid of impact or importance. Adherence to these principles transforms them to be powerfully subdued and able to harmonize naturally in perfect precision to the space they illuminate.

Ilan Mugrabi, born in 1969, is a leading Israeli lighting designer who began his path in the profession at the tender age of ten. At that point, Ilan started helping out in the afternoons as a salesman in the family’s 20 square meter lighting shop in Tel Aviv, along with his older brother Meir Mugrabi. Over the years, the modest business developed to become the importers of the fashionable “Exclusive” lighting fixture line under the management of Meir and Ilan, and features top-of-the-line brands to this day.
All of the lighting designs displayed on the site were designed by Ilan Mugrabi.
In 2012, after decades of involvement in the world of lighting and nearly ten years’ experience in the realm of furniture design, Ilan designed and produced his first original lighting creation. Thus the Mugrabi Design Studio, from the House of Exclusive, was launched. Since that time, the Studio has produced an array of distinctive products which have been lovingly received by leading designers and architects in the field. This catalogue marks the debut of their display.
For Ilan Mugrabi, the production process comprises a fundamental cleansing in which the concept is stripped, layer by layer, of any coarseness which may still cling, and refined into a creation in which every detail has an unequivocal meaning. Ilan’s world of lighting encompasses a personal language expressed through the products which candidly reveal his inner world. The lighting fixtures transcend the full range of his emotions, conveying ideas both concrete and abstract, attraction and repulsion, and resoluteness alongside whimsical humor. As someone who knows every facet of the world of lighting, Ilan insures that lighting fixtures fill their practical needs in an ideal way, as an inseparable aspect of their artistic expression.